This methodology quantifies the GHG emissions avoided from preventing the conversion of grasslands and shrublands to commodity croplands in the U.S. Livestock, primarily cattle, are anticipated to be common in the project scenario and associated emissions from enteric fermentation and manure deposition are accounted for. The methodology also includes two Avoided Planned Conversion baseline scenarios: where the conversion agent is identified and where unidentified. Projects that can identify the conversion agent are required to demonstrate proof of intent to convert by the identified agent. Where the specific conversion agent cannot be identified but a class of likely agents can, the Avoided Planned Conversion – Unidentified Agent baseline approach is used to determine the probability of conversion. This approach is based on the relative ratio of the property’s appraised value in the baseline and project scenarios.
Randal Dell, Marissa Ahlering, Joe Fargione, Peter Weisberg, David Diaz, Ashley Rood, Steven DeGryze, Benktesh D. Sharma
Ducks Unlimited, The Nature Conservancy, Environmental Defense Fund, The American Carbon Registry