Resource Library

Searchable compendium of guidance, methodologies, case studies, analyses, databases, and more

Results: 323

GHG Mitigation in Rice Information Kiosk

The GHG Mitigation in Rice Information Kiosk is a communication tool for information on greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation options […]


MethaneSAT will be an orbiting satellite that provides regular monitoring of methane emissions by location. The satellite will also quantify […]

Global Carbon Atlas

This platform houses regularly updated data on carbon fluxes from anthropogenic and natural processes. The data can be filtered by […]

MRV Toolbox

Curated by the International Rice Research Institute’s (IRRI) GHG Mitigation in Rice Platform, the MRV Toolbox provides links and resources […]

AgLEDx Resource Platform for Low-Emission Development

AgLED is intended to be a guide to climate change mitigation in agriculture and food systems for those new and […]

Evidence for Resilient Agriculture (ERA)

Evidence for Resilient Agriculture (ERA) platform provides access to data and tools designed to target which agricultural technologies work where. […]

EDGAR global agriculture emissions data in 2015 (GtCO2e)

This map layer was developed using EDGAR’s data (5-min resolution) 2015 global agriculture CH4 and N2O emissions data layers (5-min resolution), which were […]

Reorienting emissions research to catalyse African agricultural development

A comment in Nature Climate Change promoting a shift in agricultural research priorities to focus on collecting high-quality activity data […]

The Cool Farm Tool

The Cool Farm Tool is a farm-level GHG emissions calculator that integrates both crop and livestock systems by quantifying on-farm […]

Mitigation of Climate Change in Agriculture (MICCA) Program

The MICCA program has produced dozens of publications on climate-smart agriculture, some of which are quite detailed, most of which […]

FAOSTAT Emissions Database

FAOSTAT is FAO’s corporate data repository. FAOSTAT contains data reported by annual surveys in member countries and dedicated data collection […]

Sources of Methane 2018 (NASA Scientific Visualization Studio)

This 3D volumetric visualization shows the emission and transport of global atmospheric methane in 2018. Users can download the visualization […]

Source-selective and Emission-adjusted greenhouse gas CalculaTOR for cropland (SECTOR) tool

SECTOR is a Greenhouse Gas Calculator for cropland based on the IPCC Tier 2 approach for rice and other crops. […]

SAMPLES website

SAMPLES is a global research program of CCAFS that provides guidance for measuring GHG emissions and carbon storage in smallholder […]

Livestock Activity Data Guidance (L-ADG): Methods and guidance on compilation of activity data for Tier 2 livestock GHG inventories

The Livestock Activity Data Guidance (L-ADG) provides practical methods for countries to estimate the activity data used to compile livestock […]

GSOC MRV Protocol

The GSOC MRV Protocol is a protocol for measurement, monitoring, reporting and verification of soil organic carbon in agricultural landscapes.  […]

Carbon Storage Potential of Silvopastoral Systems of Colombia

This journal article examines the potential of silvopastoral systems to store carbon in Colombia. Results indicate that there is potential […]


The NAMA Registry is a publicly available online platform operated by the UNFCCC Secretariat. Its purpose is to increase opportunities for implementation […]

Trees Matter: Accounting for silvopastoral systems’ contributions to national GHG inventories

This policy brief covers research by the CGIAR Research Programs on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and Livestock […]

Variation in the carbon footprint of milk production on smallholder dairy farms in central Kenya

Journal article aimed at identifying options for mitigating GHG emissions from Kenya’s expanding dairy production, specifically for smallholder dairy farms. […]

Benchmarking crop nitrogen requirements, nitrogen-use efficiencies and associated greenhouse gas mitigation potential: Methodology exploration for cereal production in sub-Saharan Africa

This working paper explores a generic method that can be used to benchmark nitrogen (N) input requirements for crop production […]

Submitted National Communications from Non-Annex I Parties

This website presents the National Communication (NC) submissions received by Non-Annex I Parties of their first NC within three years […]

The Ex-Ante Carbon Balance Tool (EX-ACT)

The EX-ACT tool is a project-level tool for estimating the net GHG impact of AFOLU projects and policies. The website […]

A framework for identifying country-specific MRV improvement needs in the livestock sector: Lessons from Kenya, Ethiopia and Nigeria

This report summarizes the results of consultations, assessment and prioritization of measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) needs with stakeholders in […]

Submitted Biennial Update Reports (BURs) from Non-Annex I Parties

This website reports Biennial Update Report submissions from Non-Annex I Parties every two years since their first submission in 2014. […]

Inventory of greenhouse gas emissions from cattle, sheep and goats in Ethiopia (1994-2018) calculated using the IPCC Tier 2 approach

This report summarizes the state of Ethiopia’s livestock GHG profile and estimates emissions from dairy cattle, other cattle, sheep and […]

The Manure Knowledge Kiosk

The Kiosk is a communication tool of the Livestock and Manure Management Component (LMMC) of the Agriculture Initiative of the […]

SAMPLES: Agricultural greenhouse gas emission factors database

The SAMPLES database hosts emission factors and associated metadata from GHG measurements in agricultural systems. The database contains site-specific emission […]

Emissions overview Tool (FAO)

The Emissions Overview tool report gives emissions and trends in the AFOLU sector, subdivided by source categories, for one or […]

IPCC emission factor database (EFDB)

Official library of IPCC-recognized emission factors and other parameters with background documentation or technical references that can be used for […]

Global database of GHG emissions related to feed crops

Global GHG database on feed-crops provided by the Livestock Environmental Assessment and Performance Partnership (LEAP). Downloadable information on GHG emissions […]

Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA/QC) and Verification

The tool allows users to compare national GHG inventory data for the AFOLU sector reported to the UNFCCC with data […]

NDC Interim Registry: Official registry maintained by the UNFCCC of Parties’ Nationally Determined Contributions to the Paris Agreement

This website is home to submitted Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) in accordance with Article 4, paragraph 12 of the Paris […]

How soil carbon accounting can improve to support investment-oriented actions promoting soil carbon storage

This CCAFS Info Note summarizes the major conclusions and key insights of the 2020 webinar and hackathon “​Enhancing investment in […]

Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) methodologies for agriculture

CDM provides methodologies for: Rice cultivation Livestock Manure management Fertilizer management Mulching These methodologies are intended for monitoring of CDM […]

Enhancing investment in soil health and carbon storage: Frontiers for linking finance and carbon accounting

This website houses resources, recordings, and presentations of the 2020 webinar and hackathon “Enhancing investment in soil health and carbon […]

Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM)

The Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM) is a spatially explicit life cycle assessment model for the livestock sector. Using input […]

COMET-Farm: Whole Farm and Ranch Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Accounting System

COMET-Farm is a farm-level carbon and greenhouse gas accounting system and calculator for the United States. It uses information on […]

NDC Climate Toolbox

The NDC Toolbox Navigator is a searchable database of tools, guidance, and advisory support to help countries implement their NDCs […]

UNFCCC website for National Communication submissions by developing countries

Non-Annex I Parties are required to submit their first NC within three years of entering the Convention, and every four […]

World Program on Agricultural Censuses

The FAO World Program for the Census of Agriculture (WCA) promotes the use of standard international concepts, definitions and methodology. […]

Template spreadsheet for assessing the quality of Tier 2 livestock activity data

This spreadsheet complements the Livestock Activity Data Guidance (L-ADG) published by the GRA and CCAFS.  L-ADG provides suggestions on how […]

UNFCCC website for Biennial Update Report submissions by developing countries

Non-Annex I Parties, consistent with their capabilities and the level of support provided for reporting, should submit their first BUR […]

Template spreadsheets for assessing the availability of Tier 2 livestock activity data

This spreadsheet complements the Livestock Activity Data Guidance (L-ADG) published by the GRA and CCAFS. L-ADG provides suggestions on how […]

Harmonized World Soil Map (HWSM)

HWSD is a global soil dataset that provides 20 soil properties for two soil depths (0-30 cm and 30-100cm), including […]

Spreadsheet templates for IPCC Tier 2 livestock emission sources

National GHG inventories are often compiled using specialist software, such as the IPCC Inventory Software or ALU Software. The ALU […]

International Consultation and Analysis for Non-Annex I Parties

This website serves as a resource for understanding the existing measurement reporting verification (MRV) framework for developing country Parties. In […]

Good Practice Database

The Global Good Practice Analysis is a joint initiative by the International Partnership on Mitigation and MRV and the UNDP […]

How to measure, report and verify soil carbon change to realise the potential of soil carbon sequestration for atmospheric greenhouse gas removal

Excerpt from summary In this paper we review methods and challenges of measuring SOC change directly in soils, before examining […]

ICAR Dairy Cattle Milk Recording Working Group

The International Committee for Animal Recording (ICAR) is a non-governmental organization that provides guidelines, standards and certification for animal identification, […]