Keywords: Institutional arrangements
Country context: Canada’s inventory estimates for cattle emissions are based in part on prior research that established typical management practices and performance of cattle in different production systems in each province (see Inventory Practice: Structured elicitation of expert judgement in Canada’s initial Tier 2 inventory, and Inventory Practice: Structured elicitation of expert judgement on manure management practices in Canada). The main activity data required to compile the annual inventory are livestock population numbers and data on milk yields for dairy cattle and carcass weight for beef cattle.
Institutional arrangements:
Environment and Climate Change Canada is the federal agency responsible for preparing and submitting the national inventory to the UNFCCC. Canada’s inventory is developed, compiled and reported annually by Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Pollutant Inventories and Reporting Division. In order to facilitate inventory compilation using data from different sources, Environment and Climate Change Canada has developed numerous agreements with data providers and expert contributors. Agreements include partnerships with other government departments (e.g. Statistics Canada, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada), and arrangements with industry associations, consultants and universities.
For compilation of the inventory of livestock emissions, Statistics Canada provides data on livestock populations. Milk yield data are reported by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, which also publishes beef cattle carcass weight data in the basis of data collected by the Canadian Beef Grading Agency. In addition, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada provides scientific support to the agriculture sector inventory, and numerous researchers have participated in some extensive reviews, validation of the parameter values selected and validations of the Tier 2 models used by comparing measured and observed emissions using Canadian data.
Author: Andreas Wilkes, Values for development Ltd (2019)