Revised 1996 guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories

Sadie S

These or more recent (updated) guidelines, are formally mandated for use in preparing national GHG inventories under the UNFCCC. The 1996 guidelines consist of three volumes, each of which consists of multiple PDFs, as well as a software tool:

  • Volume 1: Reporting Instructions. Provides directions for assembling, documenting, and transmitting national inventory data. The goal is to ensure consistent reporting.
    • Includes an Annex (1) on managing uncertainties in reporting emissions.
  • Volume 2: Workbook. Provides guidance on calculating GHG emissions.
    • Includes a section (Module 4) on agriculture that describes methods for accounting for domestic livestock emissions from enteric fermentation and manure management.
    • The Tier 1 methods and emission factors are described and worksheets are provided to enable estimation of livestock emissions.
  • Volume 3: Reference Manual. Collects detailed information on methods for estimating emissions from many different source types. It also provides summaries of the scientific basis for the methods, including technical references.
    • Chapter 4 provides details on the basic science behind livestock GHG emissions as well as guidance recommending when to use Tier 2 methods (Table 4-1).
    • It also provides a detailed explanation of the factors underlying the characterization of the livestock herd and the choice of emission factor
    • Tier 2 methods for estimating enteric fermentation and manure management are described in detail.

The workbook portion of this document is provided in several major languages.



Bracknell, UK